After 7 months of tirony:

A state of disaffection, particularly likely to occur when one believes one’s awareness of social contradictions is pointless owing to a general lack of concern in the larger population over such contradictions.

A feeling between that of ennui and malase, often predicated on the perception that meaningful distinctions are being swallowed up by larger cultural forces, called Tribalism ( Qabyaalad).

HassanShekhMahmoud and his Dabajadiid are running a cruel, harsh, and unfair government in which a person or small group of people have power over everyone else.


1. He traveled to Kenya 2 weeks from a national election and signed bilateral deal in which we only know that 1 part is the benificiery of this deal, he re- opened KHAT a stimilious drug rejected in most of the world including Somalia. He opened this drug for his friend to re win elections and crossed the lines by ending with the loss of his candidate. This deal was not introduced to parliament, because he gave a share to the  speaker, to avoid further delays,Somalia got nothing out of this deal, it was not bilateral but unilateral.

2. Traveled to UAE with only his spy chief, the parliament is not been told, foreign ministery is not aware of it nor where they present.

  1. Tyrkey: after 4 days of embarassment by not meeting the presidency protocol meeting with minister of education and other Tyrkey officials he disgraced the Somali presidency & protocol, ever seen.


  1. Egypt: Went to Egypt with his spy chief and sided with Egypt on the Ethiopian Dam thus creating to anger our next door neighbour (ETHIOPIA) and breaking the triangle deal of Horn of Africa. This was neither told to the parliament nor to the foreign ministery ,and it was also denied by the Villa speaker creating a confrontation with Egypt.
  2. Eritrea: He went to Eritrea to see with his own eyes the 5.000 soldiers that he killed, sold them and campained that Eritrea was worth nothing putting doubt on Eritras ability and convincing lies to all Somalis and the soldiers family. He later apoligised to Eritrea but not Somalia neither the  previos  president.
  3. Uganda: Mouseveini Uganda president lectured him in public just like 2 guys discussing business or just having awkward conversation where 1 is begging the other saying how long can you beg? how long can they sustain you? He jokes like a comedian to HSM by saying we can share (FOOD) embarassing the Somali nation he even asks the name of a Somali Lady? Hassan gives the name and loughing he says she is in PARLIAMENT NOW!

6.TANZANIA: East African meeting, he goes to the meeting asks to join the East African club, they place him with the audience and journalists where all are,  the other presidents are on the  bodium, the Somali parliament & the foreign ministery are deaf blinded on it too.

  1. CONTINENTAL SHELLS: Nothing has been released except the aknowledgement of 7 millio $ for the signiture, we know nothing about how & who benefits or how this 7 came up?

This government has wasted resources of money unnecessary foreign visits, with no achievements, we nor the parliament is aware of his secret deals beside the family & friends drug deal, nothing benificiery is for Somalia. Somalias security has detoriated from worse to worst.

Tribe after tribe is being armed to fight a war without strategy cousing loss of life without cause, dismentling, demolorising the Army by despersing them to the tribes with their weopens and vehicles, another disaster. Hassan needs to be impeached and brought to justice, he needs to know or clarify who chose him? who does he work for? he must be accounted for the security breach in the capital and elsewhere in Somalia where no one is being fired but people are being killed in mass, assasinations well planned and acomplished the Somali population is suffering the economy is wearing down more divisions than uniting the people Xalane state are re locating to other countries leaving back only militery, secret service contingents.

All the Nations he visited rejected to open up Somalia to buy weopens, he has no clue no agenda for governing, because of un qualified civil servents chosen for loyalty to him not to the country.

This is preeminently the time to speak the truth, the whole truth, frankly and boldly. Nor need we shrink from honestly facing conditions in our country today. This great Nation will endure as it has endured, will revive and will prosper. So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself, we need to mobalize everyone.

CONCLUSION:  The great presidents are distinguished by their ability to set aside partisanship in times of tragedy to speak words that comfort a nation and remind us that, despite our differences, we are all one nation one country one Somalia.



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