Hassan Sheikh has won the nobel price for incompetence government.

Hassan  and his department are a depressing example of bloated, overspending and incompetent government.

Army commanders chafed at what they took to be inadequate and incompetent government support of military efforts to end fighting Al Shabaab, why? because the war was executed without any strategy, plan or contingency after the elimination of Al Shabaab.

A succession of corrupt and incompetent governments has inured them to the rhetoric of political slogans and programmes that are aimed at harming the soveregnity of the Somali nation and endangering the ambition and  the lifes of over 17 million Somalis future by rooting out resources to third party Nations selling everything including human beings for personal enrichment.

5 Things to describe Hassan’failure:

1.An imbalance of independence and direction. …

2.Fostering a lack of transparency. …

3.Management being unavailable. …

4.Inconsistency undermining authority. …

5.Ignoring  previous employee opinions and suggestions, instead firing them.


Hassan is not the president, Somalia is unfortunate to have a DE-FACTO president Ismail Omar Gelleh who has been released from the Cage that he stayed in the previous government of Farmajo which forbid him to have any stocks in Somalias policy or well being, he was totally left in the dark. Geelle with Hassans blessing has tightened his grib of power in Somalia reaching up to waging war directly or indirectly to the SSC region breaking from se

Hassan Sheikh  rebels against any authority, established order, or ruling power. : a person who believes in tribalism, advocates, or promotes anarchism or anarchy.

oligarchy, government by the few, especially despotic power exercised by a small and privileged group for corrupt or selfish purposes. Damjadiid is spreading like ayax without any compatibility of enduring anything at all making them incapable of running public offices.
They are bunch of lootters making sure that Somalia is incompetent to avoid accountability, i urge all Somali nationalists,Patriots who love the shining star between the blue sky which represents the national flag to hold it high like SSC which are being massacred for defending the nation from the separatists and the FG who should be impeached for not defending what they swore for. War crimes are being comitted in full gear usin conventional artillart in civilian populated area. This is clear evidende that Ismail Omar Gelle is leading this war, Hassan Sheikh is a conspirer and responsible for the genocide committed in lascaanood.
Muusse Biixi has direct responsibility together with his military men & government, he has butchered the SSC people and destroyed worship places hospitals killing nurses, doctors and wounded patients. These atrocities are not less than those committed by previous dictators such as HITLER of Germany, AUGUSTO PINOCHE  of Chile, YAKUBA GOWEN of Nigeria
1 million civilians on the wrong side of a blockade caused by a war of secession in Nigeria and 100,000 soldiers who died in that war, and so many other leaders.
MUSSE BIHI will join the list of genocidal killings of innocent civilians while promoting segregation of ethnic clansing.
May allah reward the highest place in heaven  those innocent people killed in an unnecessary war.




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