The current government is not capable of enduring a stable Somalia, nor have the ability or qualities to something right.

We Somali nationalists should be united in uniting the country it is a duty of all Somalis to stand together and reject being drown to the  dark days and into a deep hole of brutal clanism of #HSM and his gang. Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can give light.
We were  a drum major for justice, peace and righteousness.

Hassan Sheikh is incompetent his lietenants are running the country, they have dismentaled the 3rd branch, “PARLIAMENT” #HSM & his loyal group are signing everything without the parliaments knowledge, they have silenced the parliament, the PM is just a monument, the same goes for Ministers and we are heading for 1 man rule which gives full power with no questions no controls no media, everything served on the plate to #HSM and coluders. Shall we except it ? NO But no isn’t enough.

injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. It is a total abuse of the constituition wven after amending it, this regime is violating article 10 for the immunity of members of parliament, they should not be searched, stoped, rejected entry or flight to and from. They also violate article 70, the right of a citizen is uphold by law, you cannot discriminate, for race, language, religion, political difference, language.

Whatever effects one directly effects all indirectly.

If we are to succeed uniting Somalia our loyalties must be ecumenical rather than sectional ( tribal ) our loyalties must transcend our race, our tribe, our class and our ethnicity.

The ultimate measure of a man/women is not where he/she stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he/she  stands at times of challenge and controversy.

My dear Somalis it is time to get off the train #HSM has embarged us, we’ve come to the last stop the conducter is tired so are his hosteses  & passengers it has been a long pumby ride eventhough his adviser “HUSEEN MACALIN” warned us to tighten the seat belts, some of us didn’t make it to the final, (MAY ALLAH REWARD THEM THE HIGHEST PLACE IN PARADICE) so it is time we find another conducter to take us in one piece back home united as one Somali.
Be with a leader when he is right, stay with him when he is still right, but leave him when he is wrong.


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