Somalia is in conflict with itself,and un successful agreements with the world. Somalia has gone back into a it’s darkest period in 32 years, it rings the bells and reminds us the 1991 tribal division and civil wars.

The current government came to power by beating the drums of tribal conflict siding together as USC remembering the population 1991. it drove all the way to tribal wars and political unrest.
Since May 2022 Somalia is facing a deepened humanitarian crisis as it experiences  high levels of conflict and insecurity, heightened political tensions, and a declining economy.

Ismail Omer Guelle, Hassan Sheikh Mahmud have secretly agreed to establish a new tribal military with complete loyalty to Hassans regime.
To establish such an army #HSM  has to get reed of the strong Gorgor army, the strong Haramcad, the Waran army, the Eritreian trained army, the Danab, everything the previous government built is considered a private militia by Hassan Sheikh so how do you get rid of them? get them into a false war, ambush them to their extensions, and arm the Al Shabaab.

Re visiting the constituition by extending 1 year for 3 states and 1 for the presidency, 3 party system, abolishing the 4.5 agreement of power sharing among Somalis, using the pretix of going to 1 man 1 vote,( 1 man 1 vote cannot happen this way, if a president of 1 state can’t re unite his state and have a disagreement, that state will not vote and it will create an
extension for that state and will delay the presidential vote causing extension for him.

iHassan Sheikhs policy towards the war is to free Shabeele up to  Galmudug, it was not a strategic war led by expert generals but rather his narrow minded group
( Ahmed Fiqi, Mahad Salad, Abshir Buqari, Huseen Malim, Abdulkadir Mohamed Malin, Abdulahi Sembloje, Sadik John), they have had direct involvment into the war over ruling the base comanders and the chain of comand, in some ocassions money is been used to undermine the GORGOR and the rest of SNA forces ending with devastating loss.

The foreign policy has been damaged at it’s worst, rushing to signing contracts that have not been shared with the public nor the legislative branch the parliament.
( petroleum continental shells, fishing, 🇦🇪 UAE military equipment and merceneries, drug trade with  Kenya, Re establishing European coast guards on Somalia sea, new Igad coalition without a UN mandate etc, joining the East African treaty without clear understanding of the treaty itself.

This government has failed at everything, ” Somalia in peace and in peace with the rest of the world ” trying to join East African Comunity, lost the war on Al Shabaab, Federal government in odds with the federal states, bankrupcy the  revenue is not tranparant, corruption increased, nepotism, freedom of speach ruined and on and on…..

Hassan is a tyrannical ruler he practices extortion, Hassan is a
ruler who lacks understanding he is a cruel oppressor, a beleiver in tribal segregation, a dealer, a share holder of every public or private contract
( The Khat, Fishery, petroleum, UAE airlines, airport, airport bus transport, military food & clothing) he even tried to get a share in GARAD SEA PORT by offering to build a road to the Ogaden region in order to get his cut, selling of government infrastructure internal and embassies external, he leaves not 1 stone unturned to him and his coalition and many other deals…..

leadership isn’t easy. It’s simple to say, “I could do this better”. But
putting words into practice is far more difficult. Just because someone can theoretically manage a tribal  team doesn’t actually make them great for the job. To claim of a PHD and 2 term president as a unique thing on twitter space is the lowest thing a sitting president uses it is so low, it’s below the belt, it is  definately an outcry of desperation and it contradicts his pledge to the federal states for a 1 term extention while in office for 18 months, this underlines his pathological shows how it is just as important to recognize patterns to avoid as it is to emulate good characteristics.

#HSM train is come to a dead end, now he pledges for help, but the pattern is the same ” tribal” The  tribes are next to do the same failed policy of rellying to tribesmen to spearhead the so called unilateral government, threatening federal member states like Al Capone!

Hassan must accept blame and failure to serve his nation.

After all, he is responsible for ensuring that goals are met appropriately and efficiently. HSM you failed deep that no one can tell where Somalia is, you sunk this nation so deep to the extent of not being able to be reached or spotted.

The power of a eaders is to listen deeply and bring people together, but unfortunalatly not HSM,
Hassan Sheikh has to know Somalis are resiliant, you are not the type that can revolutionise Somalia with 1 or few tribes, you do not know how to mende fences or build consenses among the Somalis, you are rich in 1 thing having a high ego of tribalism in the worst way form and shape, but we Somalis shall overcome because our  moral is high our nationalism is long, justice shall prevail.


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