Lying cheating, stealing and violent behavior  are some common destructive behaviors. known to Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud.
There are many reasons why these behaviors occur, including getting out of a tough situation, raising self-esteem, gaining possessions, frustration, anger, disability …and on.

Hassan Sheikh refuses to take responsibility for his wrong actions and blames others for the problems created by #HSM himself.


This book was written on behalf of the Somali people who might not know how Hassan Sheikh and his tribal Damuljadiid have ruled the country in a disasterous way for almost 3 years with a deep downfall of everything in Somalia.

Hassan Sheikh came to power with tribal slogans towards the previous government, he made a firm decisive decision by all costs to rule or destroy the country. His princibles of lobbying was to overthrow the country and dismiss the previous government by arming tribal militia on the outskirts of Mogadiscio.

This man has shown tendecies of not respecting the un finished constituition, the law and trying to use tribal affiliation shouting out to the comander of arm forces do what i tell you ” my son ” reminding the general that they belong to the  same tribe, while on the other side warning and threatening the police Comander and the military ground forces comander that action will be taken against you generals if you defend your country.

Hassan is a man that would consider loyalty to him rather than loyalty to the country, he would love that  you took oath to him rather than the holy  Koran.

This book explains all the wrong decisions taken by Hassan Sheikh, the weakness of the intelligence agency, the dismentalling of the various army units, the wrong foreign decisions taken, the atrocities committed by his clan affiliated ministers, comanders and others who where intrusted to serve and protect but rather made targeted arrests and killings of the Somali people in general, this book explains how the media was silenced while used against the previous government.

This book is ” Tip of the iceberg ” I have only written about events or facts that occured in real time, I have proof of facts, events or documents related to this book. There is a lot of other alarming events or cruel bad decisions taken on behalf of the Somali government, looting of government buildings, cashing these properties in exchange of loyalty to Hassan’s rule and his family business, basically bribing others to look on the other side, the rule of law does not exist in Hassan Sheikhs world.

This book is an encouragment to the Somali society to write and speak out when you feel something is wrong, you country is being destroyed by one man and his loyalists, it is to connect the dots to find the “big picture”, to solve the puzzle, it is history being written where Somalia is suffering by the ruling government headed by Hassan Sheikh and his tribal gang, it is a lesson to learn and to never ever allow such incompetent officers to have a decision making position ever again,  the most important ministers, vice ministers  are listed in this book who are the powerful aparatus, these  are an  organization of a  tribal political party or an underground movement based solely on tribal enrichment and rule with tribal affiliation.

I deeply thank Nomadic voice who have made a space of each and every chapter of this book, Nomadic voice has been threatened by the government not to release or make spaces of anything that could harm the image of the Hassan Sheikh and his leutenants, i  thank with dignity and courage Mr. Muxsin and his team of Nomadic voice honouring my writings, publishing them on the front pages and giving me the space to spread awareness,  the wrong doings of Hassan Sheikh.

I would encourage others not to seat aside and watch our flag, soil, people destroyed by Hassan Sheikh, shout out, speak for your rightness, it is a duty of every citizen to defend the motherland  from all enemies, foreign or domestic, Hassan Sheikh is the domestic enemy, he is creating the foreign enemy by inviting foreign countries that pretend to be our friends but are our foes ( Djibouti, UAE, UK ) Hassan Sheikh is selling Somalia and it’s wealth to EAC East African Comunity where we dont fit in cultural, language, religion, we will disapear like a  ” needdle in a haystack ” stop this who does not even care of his own children grandchildren or even to leave some sort of good intention.

Hassan Sheikh is a  corrupt leader  in a position of power who uses his  influence to illegally benefit himself or someone else. This benefit could be in the form of money, increased influence, or political favours. A common example is embezzlement; where he  appropriate funds from public projects or schemes and tunnel them into his own pockets or family member or loyalists.

Hassan Sheikh’s corrupt activities are called kleptocracy, and they are the main beneficiaries of their actions.  kleptocracies give birth to cronies. Cronies are the close allies and friends of kleptocrats who are deliberately appointed to positions of power in order to support their regime. In return for their support, cronies also reap rewards such as money, fame, or power.

NB: The book will be published December 2024.


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