Somalia has unique special forces called DANAB, these boys endure touch and rough training wihh the upmost training.

These cadet soldier who joins the Danab army are  subjected to a thorough investigation to find out their  personality, especially if they have  been in the army before, if they have committed a crime or not, if they have ever joined the Islamist groups, if they are involved or  had a violation of human rights and other things to check the quality of these soldiers.

The training of the first Danab unit began in October 2013, with 150 recruits. As of July 2014, training of the second unit was underway, before Hassan Sheikh took office Danab totalled 3.000 – 3.500, Danab had a record of never having lost 1 officer in all their attacks with Al Shabaab.

Hassan Sheikh took over on 15 may 2022 and jumped into a war with ALShabaab, with no military planning but rather tribal militia planning the war for Hassan Sheikh called ” MACAWIISLEEY ” .

Danab special forces fought a war shared by the national radio, a war where tribal militia was mixed with the army, breaking the rules norms of engagement. Danab is an army that fights wars secretly, swiftly with special codes of comunication and engagement they dont even mix with the national army, in this case the ” Macawiisleey ” Did not get screened or background check, instead Hassan Sheikh and his tribal MP drove Danab, Gorgor, Haramcad into their graves by guiding Al Shabaab to the army, some of the officers have been shot at close range, execution style.

Hassan Sheikh has destroyed Danab and Gorgor in these cities and towns of tribal importance to Hassan Sheikh.
Galcad is located in the Galgaduud region of Somalia, and under it are small towns including; Masagawa, Galhareeri, Gallibah, Budbud, Ali-Ahmed, Eilid. and Ali Afrax. In these towns total massacre, and total loss of brave men, the elite of the elite Danab and  Gorgir, Haramcad, to a point loosing General Farhan Qaroole of Haramcad, Colonel Ahmed Tuure the vice comander of  Danab, Colonel Mohamed Abdiwahid of 6th brigade Gorgor.

Hassan Sheikh did not bring anyone to accontability or no one was charged for the loss of our young brave boys, instead he mis manages them by making cutting their salaries and isuing private contract to his wife fir foid clothes supply. He has diminuished the moral and ability of the SNA in total, they feel worthless and in-secured.


Danab or special forces are unique in their thinking and in their oprations. Danab has particibated in a U.S. Special Operations Command in Africa conducted a joint knowledge exchange with the Somali National Army-Danab Special Engagement Cell and Kenya Defence Forces, Ethiopia, Djibouti and Eritrea special forces.

The Joint Knowledge Exchange 2024 included sessions sharing expertise on weapons handling, key leader engagements, combat medical care, and communication techniques. Airmen from the 1st Combat Camera Squadron also instructed a course on media training.

Danab’s reseliance and skills ensures an agile and capable force for greater mission readiness and success in this exercise where the US special operation force classified Danab as the best in all exercises being rewarded by the US Seals, Special Operations as the number 1 force for 2024 in East Africa and the Horn of Africa, our brave boys have brought dignity, bride and courage by winning over nations that dodn’t suffer the last 33 years. These boys should be honoured with the medal of honour, be promoted by 1 rank and should be well maintained.

The question is Danab brought us dignity but will Hassan Sheikh treat them with the apropriate dignity or will he begin separating cherries from apples or even worse?


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