Xalane use to be called Bootiigle school, it was a para police training school in 1960, after independence the name changed to Xalane training school in 1969, that government used the school to teach & train the  socialism to fulfil the socialism ideologi of Siad Barre regime, all general managers came through this school for intensive socialism.

In 1970 and beyond the school changed to train the high school graduates in preparation for national service for 3 months period in order to prepare each male & female to defend their country if attacked Somalia was the 1st african country to prepare everyone to defend their country at the same level as USA & European standard.

After 1991 Xalane has been home to different militia group, after 2013 it begun to be point of interrest for the US, UK, and other europeans, they  begun to make a base for themselves because of the vicinity of the mogadisho airport in which the security has been beefed to the highest level both having several check points.

Every EU or USA that comes to Somalia as NGO or freelance or other embassies made their home base in Xalane and called every  Somali person that had contract with or affiliation making it the highest and most important place in Somalia where donours called ministers,prime ministers, regional state leaders  & presidents, nothing went forward if you didn’t get to Xalane.

Xalane aproval making Xalane the government within the government, every comunique from UN,US,EU,AU, came from Xalane, even the government made sure to say we agreed in Xalane this and that, it became business as usual for All Somalis.

2017 Farmajo comes to power he calls on his cabinet and indtroduces  a law forbidding  anyone to go to Xalane period,  he apoints  a team that should hand to his office within a shorts period of time  who,is in Xalane, what is going  on how many Amisom are in xalane?

Farmajo is the only president that never stepped  in Xaland for even  1 day making it a non valuable place to go to nor  did his 1st prime minister nor the rest of the executive government, he begun to empty Xalane by kicking out the unknown NGO, he made the donours to go through foreign ministery to meet with the apropiate authorities in the apropiate offices, this angered the international comunity, who were used to presidents coming to Xalane to get what they needed, they couldn’t beleive it and Farmajo stick to it by saying if anyone comes to  to do business with Somalia they will be directed by the foreign office to their destination, we are here we guarantee your security, it will be Somalias 1st priority and do business with a sovreign country not gangs, period.


Farmajo begun to drain Xalane to an in sufficient place for Somalia politics making it almost non grater place.
The regional state leaders who were  against the president.Mr. Deni and Mr.Madobe kept coming to Xalane by dis respecting the president and meeting with James Swan & US,UK,EU leaders making them accomplishers with the running the clock and being part of it, because they sabotaged the 1 man 1 vote and excepted the unlawful way by coming to Farmajo telling him make it this way or things can be out of control, they re charged Xalane and made it active again at the election period.

Farmajo made sure Xalane belong to Somalia not to another nation, his team made sure they got military contingeng in and around Xalane in filtrating Xalane, they came with a terminal where everyone coming and leaving is checked properly and are under proper stay within Somalia. Farmajo converted the Amisom to Atmis placing them under the SNA both in movements and oprationally.
The Amisom were so happy that Farmajo lost and the previous president Hassan Sheikh that made Xalane the green zone came to power it is in you tube were amisom is joising publickly.


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