The East African Community is a bond between the countries that share a commonality in language,religion, ethnicity and most are common wealth members of the British colony.Most of these countries have stable policy, their governments function with full capacity, they do not have terrorism every day, they have their industries and export to the world.

Somalias request to join is coming from the current leader of Sonalia Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud, he has hijacked millions of Somalis wish and went  ahead with it without the so called parliament approval.

Somalia is considered problematic in its current form…. It’s unstable, with no functioning institutions and with the worst terrorist problem in the region — that of al Shabaab. In this view, Somalia is a basket case that will bring nothing to the EAC except agony….. How can we join when a writer of Daily nation newspaper writes how Somalia is seen in East Africa’s lenses? He quotes (Somalia joining the EAC is like throwing a brick to the ocean ) why cant Hassan Sheikh understand this journalist?

Thesecretary general of EAC Mr. Mathuki He coded by saying👇

” Somalia’s long Indian Ocean-Red Sea route that links Africa to the Arabian Peninsula is a vibrant economic zone. The exploitation of Somalia’s blue economy resources such as fish and the expansive coastline is also set to boost the regional economy of EAC,”

Hassan Sheikhs pays a visit to Kenya during their last month election in mid  2022, he immediatly endorses ” ” Odinga ”  he agreed to restart with immediate effect the trade of the stimulant khat. Which means that air shipments of khat also known as miraa will resume after a 2-year boycott.  Among a range of deals signed, the leaders have directed immediate market access of fish from Somalia to Kenya and vice versa and agreed to ease some visa restrictions a s well as re-open the border.
Kenya has not agreed the dispute decision of the Indian Ocean a verdict reached by the ICG courts, it has stood firmly to take the case to the african nations to arbitrate between the two countries.

The khat habit is a widespread phenomenon which has in the past two decades spread to parts of Western Europe and North America from Eastern Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. Although khat has been identified as one of the most commonly abused substances in Kenya, restrictions on cultivation, trade and usage have been non-existent since its legalisation in 1977.
To describe the socio-economic effects of khat chewing in Ijara District in the North Eastern Province of Kenya.
Fifty respondents were interviewed.
Eighty eight percent of the respondents were khat chewers, and the majority (80%) had family members who engaged in the khat habit. There was a general lack of education on the negative effects of khat chewing. Due to reported mood changes and withdrawal symptoms when not chewing khat, many respondents used more than half of their domestic budgets on khat, but few (28%) perceived this as a waste of resources. Fifty four percent of khat chewers typically started the habit during the day, implying a waste of time for productive work. However, only 40% of the persons interviewed admitted that the drug affected work performance negatively. The khat habit was associated with strain on family relationships, anti-social behaviour and health effects such as insomnia.

Conclusion: In spite of the negative socio-economic impact of khat in Ijara District, khat consumption remains a widespread habit. The regional leaders of North Easrern Province are appealing to Ruto to stop the sale and growth of Mira due to it’s social effect on family reproduction, and socio economic’s of the youth, Ruto is due to except it ,he cannot ignore such a huge constituence supporting his government, on rhe other hand it’s a huge income or export for Kenya. Rumors are circulating that an agreement is to be reached for only exporting the Mira and banning for domestic sale, which means the domestic market will be directed to Somalia boosting Kenya to export double the amount of Mira exported today. This means Hassan Sheikh’s increased income on Somali’s chewing this drug.


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