Somalia is on the heat for the last 10 days after Hassan Sheikh un leashed the warlord criminal Muuse Biixi, Hassan released Muuse from the cage in his seccesionist mind of killing anyone who stands his way, he reclosed from all activities after SSC won the war and captured his military hardware with his most prominent generals and soldiers.

Hassan Sheikh embargs a flight with his faithful group of ministers, son daughter, he meets a criminal warlord that has not seized from attacking SSC, SSC witch in law has been certified as a member of the federal government of 🇸🇴 Somalia, this means Hassan apoligises to a seccesionist still waging war into a member of the Federal state.
This can only mean, that Hassan and his policy makers are incompetent or he is doing it on purpose to allow Muse Biixi recapture SSC! and then what? Biixi can also capture Puntland! so when will Hassan act? only when it comes to ( Aliale) the birth place of Hassan?

Hassan Sheikh made this deal to pressurise Puntland and facilitate for Muse to regain recognition in which Muuse was in desire need an a necessity to the political gain.
The idea to deal with a man that controls 1 third of Northern State, where there is an internal unrest in Awdal and other cities is not politically wrong but absurred, posperstorous to meet Muuse to give an apoligy on self created war and agree to have a road map without the SSC and partner states of the federal government present.

Hassan has made a lot of concesions to the seccionist Muse among these deals i picked 1 which is important as it contains chilling significant harm to Somalia.

The deal noted that “both governments have committed to address security issues both independently and jointly, with particular attention to combating terrorism and resolving any emerging disputes.”

” Both governments ” Hassan admits in his mind that he is dealing with another government giving recognition to the seccesionists rebellion.

” They are committed to adress security issues both indepently and jointly ” This is another admission of recognition.

” With particular attention to combating terrorism and resolving any emerging disputes ” Again another recognition of 2 states allied to fight against terrorism.

Now Muuse Biixi has killed 750 people in SSC and created 260 thousand to flee his war in the name of fighting terrorists, this was Muuse quoted in the media.

What happened in Djibouti is only a green light to independency, to allow Muse Biixi to buy new arms, to facilitate him to recapture SSC and maybe try also Puntland, it is an act of treoson to allow Muse to annexate part of Somalia for Hassan’s political tribal games.

Muuse Bixi comes out of this deal with a victory and flies to complete the other deal with 🇪🇹 Ethiopia to complete his seccesionist, he leases the red sea 🌊 for 50 or 100 years, he admits 50 years in exchange for full recognition, ( desperate times take you to desperate hopes ) Ethiopia is 1 member of the UN body. It can’t give Muuse his desperate seccesionist wish.

🇸🇴 Somalia and other nations and organisations have diplomaticly  rejected and Hassan Sheikh has rejected in one way diplomaticly but not severely as expected to be handled. The reason why he is not acting severely harsh against the attempt of attacking our sovreignity annexing part of our country is because Hassan is part of the problem so he can’t be the solution,vhe and couple of his ministers have signed MOU before the meeting of Muuse, some of the MOU includes:
1. Ethiopian maritma security, so the Ethiopian navy has already green light from Hassan’s minister of defence.
2.Ethiopian airline got a contract within the MOU to operate everywhere in Somalia and share the revenue in %.
3.To fish in Somali coast within this MOU by the the Somali comerce minister.

Dear readers has has committed grave deals without the prober procedure, he has committed acts of treason, he did not abide by the constituition, he has endangered Somalia and it’s population, he has put this country into a prominent war, He has shown and proved to be good in only 1 thing ” to divide by tribal affilition” we need Hassan to step down, you are weak as a person you can’t lead and represent Somalia, you will weeken it more so please resign, we need change we need the 3 branches to do their duty, we can’t be a hostage of your bad policies inflicting deeper wounds to Somalia.


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