Arecord has been stablished by Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud, after flying around the world for 60 times sonce he took over Somalia, i can only say the Flight attendant or traditionally known as a steward or stewardess.

Hassan Sheikh has led Somalia around the world continents, with direct or connected flughts to Africa,Asia,Europe,USA, in one instance Hassan Sheikh was to attend that country’s Independence Day celebrations planned for Tuesday 9 july 2023, according to sources in Mogadiscio, a problem with the engine was to blame when the plane was on the air for 20 minutes and landed back to Mogadiscio, this didn’t stop Hasaan from being a steward, after 3 hours a plane was sent to him  and he immediatly was up in the air on his way to Sudan.

When you here Hassan Sheikh name you remember disaster, misery, anarchy and a mafia style government, his period is remembered as one of looting and killings, marauding militias and sleepless nights in

His flights and his meetings are done alone, no ministers, no protocol only his family and close group of his gang.


On january 2023 EAC leadership dispatched a team to integrate with Somalia to ease in joining the EAC membership. It was widely declared by the secretary general of EAC Mr. Mathuki He coded by saying👇

” Somalia’s long Indian Ocean-Red Sea route that links Africa to the Arabian Peninsula is a vibrant economic zone. The exploitation of Somalia’s blue economy resources such as fish and the expansive coastline is also set to boost the regional economy,”

The west especially England is behind the EAC pact it is pushing this agenda and using Kenya to press Somalia into it. This is strike 1! they are using their puppet to open doors.


Following the aftermath of civil war and prolonged conflict, Somalia is now one of the most impoverished nations in the world. This is largely due to the collapse of the Somali Democratic Republic in 1991, an event that divided the country. War waged, killing thousands of native Somalis. The UNSC  put the embargo on Somalia in 1992 to cut the flow of weapons to feuding warlords, who plunged the Horn of Africa into civil war.

After so many 2 attemts by the previous president Mr. Mohamed Farmajo was rejected eventhough the necessary requirements were met such as ( re- constructing the SNA giving them high training the Nato dotrine which safeguards human dignity and take the professionalism into practice, these soldiers where trained to be first nationalists and disregard division or tribalism, they kept what they swore for) whith all that effort, training, brainwashing from tribalism should have granted the lifting of the arms embargo.
Hasaan Sheikh comes to power a new musical beat is beaten and Hassan dances well and wins the world’s puppetsism, He leads a government which is endowed with the outward sympols of autoritism but in which directions and controls are exercised by other countries.

This is why the Security Council Lifts Arms Embargo on Federal Government of Somalia, Unanimously Adopting Resolution 2714 (2023)1 Dec 2023, why? do we need it know? We dont have an army, that is disciplined nor can contain and preserve weopens or amunitions, the SNA composed of Gorgor, Danab and para military police Haramad, have been ambushed killed including the comanders all the way to generals, the rest have scaped from further ambushes, so Hassan who preffers barberic man ( MACAWIISLEEY) and considers the Somali army owned by  president Farmajo gets the victory of lifting the arms embargo, why?

England , UAE, US, Norway and others want a man they can use to divide and split Somalia while cleaning the resources of Somalia, that is solely the only reason and time shall proof me right. Strike 2 ! again using the puppet to open the door.


Somalia’s debt relief journey was not an easy task; the previous administrations, with president Farmajo leadin his finance minister professor Haibe  to attain debt relief from the boards of the World Bank and IMF a strong policy of transparency and injected the economy by crating accountability and defeating corruption, that administration was rewarded by the IMF and world bank as a solid stable running economy, the growth reached 4.8 for the first time in 30 years. Now Hassan comes dancing with the wolves dismentals the anti corruption group, dismentals the accountability board and replaces with graduates ftom his institute, fires his finance minister when he reports corruption and em powers the corrupt officer, the economy grows downwards by -8 points and still the dept is removed why? Again the puppet is used again, to take a new loan while the states are against his moves of changing the constituition from federal to a Republic angering the while nation.


i want Somalia to be sovran again without depending on NGO countries, it was good news on one hand but a sorrow feeling for all Somalis, the achievements came the wrong time and ended on the wrong man to use them probably why?
hassan Sheikh stole money from a swiss bank, where Somali assets in his first presidency his money was  freezed and here is the proof,

JARAT CHOPRA the coordinator for Somalia and Eritrea Monitoring Group who presented the report to the UN Security Council’s sanction committee, said his group stands by its findings,
The report, however, alleges there is still “a secret architecture of misappropriation,” involving President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud,  Shulman Rogers as well as Musa Haji Mohamed Ganjab and Abdiaziz Hassan Giyaajo Amalo.
Pie-cutting’ of overseas assets by those involved in the project entailed retention of excessive percentages and direct payments from recovered assets as well as attempts to circumvent deposits in the Central Bank of Somalia. The report says attempts to steal assets were thwarted after former Central Bank Governor Yussur Abrar challenged the terms of Shulman Rogers. Abrar quit after seven weeks in office. Her action generated an international scrutiny that later enabled her successor to protect some of the recovered assets.
Hassan Sheikh cannot be intrusted with new weopens why? remember the killings in Galkaio where Hassan favoured arming one group and using NISA to get the upper hand, city of Merca and the cities around had livez the most horrible and in humane disaster, they had to buy the river Shabeele for farming, this was carried on his watch and didn’t blink, the war between SNM militia heavily armed against the poor un armed citizens went on over 8 months massacring the Somali people of Las Anood causing to flee in thausands, afain he didn’t blink, this is 2023. This strike 3 !

This man cannot be trusted at all, he cannot police his own family, creating international scandal.
Hassan’s son Mohamed commited sevrral crimes by mis using a diplomatic car and killing a man from the host country, Mohamed aplied fof refugee status while his father is the president of the country he flee from, that disqualifies him driving a diplomatic car belonging to Somalia.
He is carrying a diplomatic pasport isued by Somali autority whyle he got refugee status, He didn’t have a licenced known to drive a diplomatic car, he had no licence, with all these scandals he escapes the country after he realises the death of the man he ran down. Strike 4!
I recomend for gods sake for humanity’s sake for all Somalis sake stop this man he is a menace, it is him and ends with him.
martin Luther King said : Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that.


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