DJIBOUTI – As the Long oppressed population of Djibouti; a tiny Horn of Africa nation, continue with their long struggle against the iron-fisted rule of President Ismail Guelleh. The nation, which gained independence from France in 1977, has witnessed an uninterrupted reign by Guelleh since he assumed office in 1999.

Guelleh’s prolonged and entrenched rule has sparked concerns among Djibouti’s citizens and international observers alike even as he shows no signs of relinquishing control despite being in power for five terms, nearing a record 30 years period.

The 3 part meeting is a sign of infiltrating deeper into Somalia with Hassan Sheikh exceeding in number of nepotism and family rule control from the top seat of the presidency to genitor contracts, there is no doubt that Hassan’s family is bigger in number and have consilidated the power in less than 2 years occupying high key positions of government, making awkward and scandolous outcome of foreign and domestic relations due to lack of inexperience.

The lack of transparency, nepotism, and disregard for institutional checks and balances undermines the hopes for a more democratic and equitable future for the nation which continues to live under the  autocratic rule of tribal and nepotism of Hassan Sheikh while trying to fix the last entranches of changing from a federal instituition to a Republic that he owns with only 2 parties, most probably the southern party represented by Hassan’s leadership and a 2nd party representing the norther region of  Muuse Bixi.

Muuse Biixi has been on the same path for the last 4 years also being breast feeded by Ismail Guelleh and he adopted the nepotism in the same form or shape as his mentor.
Muuse Biixi has endured heavy losses in Gojaade war for over 8 months, coming out as the biggest looser in an unnecssary agression with mass destruction weopens to exterminate SSC by committing acts of genocide towards the SSC[ DHULBAHANTE TRIBE ]. Muuse lost his military might weopens and got his men and women soldiers captive as prisoners of war,among these prisoners there are high profile generals, colonels and other high decorated officers of the SNM guerrilla tribe. Muuse Bixi has 2 elder sons and 1 elder doughter married to high senate member of Somaliland, 1 of the sons is a multi millionaire, Mohamed Muuse Bixi, i one instance he was cought in Dubai after carrying $3 million in a suitcase, without any proof of it, Ahmed Muuse Biixi is a comander in the intelligence, a renegade unit masks on their head torturing anyone who spells a different opinion, there is also Musse Biixi’s brother and nephew who are in this circle of nepotism.

Somaliland has been pushing for statehood but the United Nations Security Council maintains that it is part of Somalia. The Last meeting between Hassan Sheikh and UK( the ultimate pen holder of Somalia) agreed that Somaliland should be part of the rest of Somalia sharing power.
The new round of talks starts at a time Somaliland is facing challenges, including conflict with SSC authorities after losing control of large swathes of territory in Sool and Togdheer regions to Harti clan militias, Awdal state which is seeking to gain it is own statehood into Somalia, the Garxajis who have been on the opposition and do not enjoy Muuse Biihi’s blessing like the Habarjel who are destorting the Isaak’s tribal heritage by claiming to beling to Oromo, this huge identity crises by the population and has angered Ismail Omar Guelleh.

The lack of transparency, nepotism, and disregard for institutional checks and balances undermines the hopes for a more democratic and equitable future for the nation which continues to live under the autocratic rule of Ismail Omar Guelleh is being stretched to Somalia through these two ( Hassan Sheikh and Muuse Biixi ) it is a model that satisfies UAE,USA,and UK to route out the countries wealth and keep these obedient puppets around as long as they can and subsequently move to the rest of the family in the future to safeguard their interest.

Guelleh, is giving valuable lessons to Hassan & Muuse Biixi how to be  a seasoned dictator who can  hold the reins of power for decades to come, and  strategically positioning  his kins in crucial positions, there by enabling their domination of the entire system and cementing his reign.

Attempts by civil society groups, opposition figures and activists advocating for political reform have also encountered obstacles, including repression and legal hurdles. Hassan Sheikh has also turned a blind eye to calls for respect to  upholding the 4.5 agreement of a presidendt, prime minister and a chairman of parliament.
Hassan Sheikh is creating a hostile environment to anyone who comes his way, watchdogs have been set loose, repeatedly countless instances of repression, including the intimidation and persecution of dissenting voices and some instances arresting the media voice, presumtion of attemt to clash and cash out  anyone who stands their way a mafia style government.

Where are these ideas coming from, who is  ispiring these men, Hassan Sheikh and Muuse Biixi, you dont have to look so far.👇

Such examples include the President’s daughter Haibado Ismael Omar who is the Presidential Advisor on Economy and Administration, the Director of Customs Gouled Ahmed Youssouf, and the Director of National Electricity Company Djama Ali Guelleh.
The Finance Minister, Ilyas Moussa Dawaleh’s cousin Fatouma Saïd Dawaleh is married to Najib Abdullahi Kamil, the First Lady’s son from a past marriage.

Although Haibado, Guelleh’s daughter, holds no official title, she exercises more power and influence than the Finance Minister, overshadowing him by making crucial decisions within the Ministry and the overall economic portfolio. This blatant nepotism further raises concerns about transparency and fair governance.

Now look at the resamblance👇,
the Foreign ministery, Jihan Hassan Sheikh, who is his doughter has taken over the responsibilities of the Foreign Minister, reducing the latter to a more figurehead with a ceremonial role who lacks any real authority. That move among many others further reveals the consolidation of power within the president’s inner circle.

Hassan Sheikh and Muuse Biixi have drawn their institutions from a tight circle of family, friends and his most trusted political allies. they risked appearing elitist and non-inclusive because they want to be sure of their team. They are signalling that these governments are here to stay and will not be in no mood for compromise on their sovereignity.

According to my analyses  not  only raises questions about the due process but also highlights Hassan Sheikh’s willingness to replace key positions with family members.

Ismail Omar Guelleh is lecturing and smoothing the transition of so called claim of Somaliland nation “Muuse Biixi” and the tribal enriched man of Somalia” Hassan Sheikh”.
Muuse Biixi who is weak in these triangle meeting is being told not to loose the identity and rush to Oromo of 40 million people that can even endanger Djibouti but rather consider more the intermarriage of Guelled’s doughter with Saadiq John from Somalia and give rise and triumpth to IRIR SAMAALE to unite the country among us, this is the main focus of this meeting by ignoring Puntland which has obstained from foreign policy of Somalia and SSC who melted thd Selv claimed Somaliland.

Ismail Omar  Gueleh’s involvement in the coordination and organization of this meeting highlights his influence and his close relationship with both leaders. His role is further emphasized by his current position as the Chairman of the IGAD Regional Organization.
Somali delegation, Hassan Sheik is accompanied by key government officials, including His doughter, his son Ahmed Moallim Fiqi, Minister of Internal Affairs; Jibril Abdirashid, Minister of Commerce; and Abdikarim Hussein Guled, the Special Envoy for the Federal Government of Somalia to Somaliland.

The Somaliland delegation, headed by President Abdi, included prominent ministers such as Dr. Saad Ali Shire of Finance Development, Ahmed Mohamed Diriye of Planning and National Development, Mohamed Kahin Ahmed of Interior Affairs, Ahmed Adan Buxane of Education and Science, and Edna Adan Ismail, the Special Envoy for the Somaliland Somali talks.

No matter this meeting or other meetings, there will not be any valuable outcome from these 3, it is baseless, ridiculous, divisive and greedy for power, it smeels anarchy, nepotism is become the usual praktise of these two nations, the rest of the population have no right what so ever.
This nation is very unfortunate to bring back Hassan Sheikh & Muuse Biixi who both failed their own people from the same clan or homes, so my readers stay focused nothing will come out of these thugs they will keep stealing from their people swallowing everything just like bearded vulture.


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