Madaxweynaha Dowladda Koonfur Galbeed Mudane Cabdicasiis Xasan Maxamed Laftagareen iyo Wafdi uu hogaaminayo ayaa soo gaaray Caasimada Dowladda Koonfur Galbeed ee Baraawe

Madaxweynaha Dowladda Koonfur Galbeed Mudane Cabdicasiis Xasan Maxamed Laftagareen iyo Wafdi uu hogaaminayo ayaa soo gaaray…

Madaxweynaha Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy oo booqday ciidamada Yukreeniyaan ee Kherson

Madaxweynaha Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy oo la hadlay ciidamada ku sugan magaalada dhawaan la xoreeyay ee Kherson…

Mareykanka oo $10 milyan oo abaal-marin ah ku bixinaya xogta maaliyadeed ee Al-Shabaab

Dowladda Mareykanka ayaa kordhisay lacagta abaal-marinta ah ee ay ku bixineyo xog hoggaamin karta aqoonsiga iyo…

Mucaadka Somaliland oo sheegay inaysan maanta laga bilaabo u aqoonsanayn Muuse Biixi mid shacriyad ku fadhiya


G7 does not have enough power to determine the price of Russian oil – World Bank

“The proposed G7 oil price could affect oil flows to Russia, but it is an untested…

Democratic Senator Catherine Cortez Masto wins re-election in Nevada state, Edison Research projects, in a victory that guarantees the Senate will be controlled by Democrats in 2023

Democratic Senator Catherine Cortez Masto wins re-election in Nevada state, Edison Research projects, in a victory…

The White House said that President Biden has no plans to meet with Mohammed bin Salman

The White House said that President Biden has no plans to meet with Mohammed bin Salman…


Muqdisho, Nofeembar 12, 2022; Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud oo uu weheliy dhigiisa…

The Minister of Communications and Technology opened the Conference of Telecommunications Companies in the country

The Minister of Communications and Technology opened the Conference of Telecommunications Companies in the country. (Mogadishu…

Wasiirka Isgaarsiinta iyo Teknolojiyada oo furay Shirka Wada-xaajoodka Shirkadaha Isgaarsiinta Dalka.

(Muqdisho – Nofeembar, 12, 2022) Wasiirka Wasaaradda Isgaarsiinta iyo Teknolojiyada XFS Mudane Jaamac Xasan Khaliif ayaa…


Update from Somalia and Horn of Africa

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