Muxuu yahay Cudurka halista badan ee Parkinson ee ku dhaca habdhiska neerfaha iyo qaybaha jidhka ee la shaqeeya?

Parkinson’s waa cudur ku dhaca habdhiska neerfaha iyo qaybaha jidhka ee la shaqeeya, kaas oo si…

The Minister of Internal Affairs participated in the inauguration of the Governor of Hudur District

The Minister of Internal Affairs participated in the inauguration of the Governor of Hudur District The…

The latest news on the conflict between Rwanda and Congo

The latest news on the conflict between Rwanda and Congo The foreign ministers of the Democratic…

Wazaaradda Diinta iyo awqaafta oo amara culus dul dhigtay Culimada Soomaaliyeed

Dowladda Soomaaliya oo amarro culus kasoo saarta Al-sbabaab Wasaaradda Awqaafta iyo Arrimaha Diinta ee dowladda Federaalka…

President Hassan Sheikh met with the National Committee to Combat Illegal Money and Terrorist Financing

Mogadishu, November 06, 2022; The President of the Federal Republic of Somalia, Mr. Hassan Sheikh Mohamud,…

Madaxweynaha Xasan Sheekh Oo Magacaabay Lataliyaha Xiriirka Caalamiga Ah Iyo Isuduwaha Barnaamijyada

Muqdisho, Nofeembar 06, 2022; Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud ayaa u magacaabay Mudane…

Madaxweyne Xasan Sheekh Oo La Kulmay Guddiga Qaran Ee La Dagaallanka Lacagta Sharci-Darrada Iyo Maalgelinta Argagixisada

Muqdisho, Nofeembar 06, 2022; Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud oo la kulmay Guddiga…

Soomaalidii ugu badneyd oo ka qeybgaleysa doorashada Mareykanka

Soomaali fara badan ayaa ku kala nool guud ahaa gobollada Maraykanka, gaar ahaan gobolka Minnesota ayaa…

Tanzania plane crash: Rescue operation to save passengers as Precision Air flight goes down in lake

Tanzania plane crash: Rescue operation to save passengers as Precision Air flight goes down in lake…

Sweden is fulfilling a condition that Turkey has signed in order to join NATO

Sweden’s new government will distance itself from the YPG Kurdish militia, while trying to get Turkey…


Update from Somalia and Horn of Africa

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