Sheikh Sheriif Ahmed  accused Hassan Sheikh of something worse than what they denied to Farmajo.

The former  ,ex  president Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, accused  Hassan Sheikh of working for tribes, doing something more serious than what they opposed yesterday when they were against Farmajo.

Hassan Sheikh and other opposition men, stood here against Farmajo and accused him of hijacking the election process. It was not tribalism that was not the opposition  aim against president Farmajo, but Hassan is purely, nackedly using tribal, bribing, promisisses for ministerial positions.

The constitution belongs to the whole nation, and the parliament is legislative branch to change, review, debate , but Hassan Sheikh says he wants to write it his own way..

Sheikh Sheriif warned that the plan Hassan  is working on will not work, if he uses his power to pass the constituition  committee,  even if they pass something wrong in Parliament, it will not work.
Everything has reached the lowest level now and the tribes have become stronger, trust has decreased, the militery has reached it’s weakest point, Al Shabaab has become stronger and wealthier.

71 MPs from the two councils of Federal government of Somalia, who opposed the amendment of the Constitution, saying that the ongoing plan is to separate the people and the country.

These MPs are arguing that what is going on is a replacement of the  constitution and not a constitution to be completed, citing as an example many articles that have been added and changed.

The MP’S from both lower house and the senate board has failed to protect the independence of government institutions, the decision of the National Consultative Council on the constitution was not unanimous, as Puntland was absent,” said the report of the parliamentarians.


Hassan Sheikh has clearly stated that he will complete  the things he swore that  were part of the completion of the constitution and it was his political program, therefore, since I was sworn in, he said, I will not enter into any negotiations on the completion of the constitution. is clear in the constitution who owns the decision to amend and move forward.

Hassan Sheikh is not going to stop for anything, he has decided ” my way or the highway “.
I am warning about the dangers of Hassan Sheikh’s attempt to change the Constitution of the country without going through the process described in Chapter 15 of the Constitution. ignoring firmer presidents, former prime ministers, 71 MP and senators, 67 or 30% of female MP, It is a step that threatens the stability of the country and the unity of the nation, It is what it is, which can lead to further conflict and political uncertainty in Somalia.


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