Somalia is on the hot spot, from May 2022 to the end of 2023 Somalia has been on a rollercost with only one direction, we took a deep dive in foreign policy, internal policy, security, social and environmental, economical inflation not last but least total incompetence in all 3 branches of government.

Hassan Sheikh has travelled around the world, met head of states, royalties, prime minister’s by jis own way, not knowing what was accomplished nor signed, total secrecy on behalf of the Somali state, anything or nothing was admitted nor denied upon these deals, they have not been forwarded in a protocoled manner to the parliament to cross check nor to the ministerial meeting on thursday.
These intended unlawful manber of signing bilateral deals in secrecy and not announcing them to the public or the right branches of government creates a huge black cloud of mistrust, speculations and huge curiosity of what,who,where,when?

Hassan Sheikh is well known among the Somalis, he is been tested before and there has been huge suffering and he inflicted huge wounds in his 1st presidency, now the 2nd Hassan Sheikh has fully declared he will finish the left over from his first term, i think he sincerely for the first time warned us, but most of us didn’t get it, why they misread his smile and the first finger wiggling up and down.
I read him well, i understood he came to finish the first term, he was declared the most corrupt, nepotism, stealing land, tribalism, squad killings, states fighting among them, signing Somali sea ports to DPW ( Berbera, Bosaso) everything he could sell, even the Northern region was bargained for 3 million$  by the seccesionists but Hassan asked for 15 million$ or no deal, this is rumours i cannot admit nor deny about the Northern deal.

Having been used to act alone since 2022, Hassan embargo to Djibouti with his closest allies and the only evident ministers in the federal government. They arrive Djibouti and Hassan Ismail and Muuse sit like friends that met in a coffee house, the next day they sign bilateral agreement with the seccesionist Muuse and his team underlining the re unification of Somalia and Somaliland, it was shocking, imparassment, weak, damaging to the foreign policy of Somalia.
The memorandum of understanding shall pave the way to realize the aspiration to secure access to the sea and diversify its access to sea ports,” ushering in a “new chapter of cooperation” and “regional integration in the Horn”. Said the PM,where Musse says we give them 20 km of Somalia in exchange of not being anymore a seccesionist but a free indepebdent country, it is crazy for both they have lost sanity where Muse things Ethiopia as the UN and Abey things that a tribal seccesionist can give land belonging to a sovran independent country. Did Abey ever thing of not starting this type of annexation, he has more to loose, just and example ( THE Amhara, The Tigre, The Ogaden and others can easily join Eritrea, Sudan,Djibouti  or Somalia) how about that?

The seccesionist Muuse was in the brink of going insane or being removed, his racistc mind and his early years of genocide in the 90s repeating it again in 2023 for over 8 months loosing his hardware military machine and soldiers in captivity and loss of their life weakened him squezed him to be in charge of less than 5 cities, Soul & Sanag have joined Somalia by military might, Awdal is following the same steps.
Muuse Biixi was in no form or shape to negotiate anything at all, he was weak demolished, and then the bell rang by Hassan wakes him up and he gets a seccesionist recognition by Hassan.

Policies dont have friendship, it is take or leave, buy and sell

After one day with a good gesture of understanding and 30 days of setting the stage right to reverse the seccesionists to Somalihood, Muuse flies to Ethiopia meets with the PM of Ethiopia and news to the world, Muuse and Abbey Sign  what is known as a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the self-declared seccesionist of North Somalia  to use one of its ports.
Ethiopia’s Prime Minister has previously described sea access as an existential issue for his country.

When this statement was openly declared by the PM, the other two neighbour countries have fiercfully rejected, but Somalia which possesses the longest coastline in Africa didn’t protest, the Somali intelligence didn’t look for clues, the Somali Ambassador didn’ have a clue, the parliament didn’t reject this statement, the foreign ministery didn’t ask Ethiopia to explain itself and why you mention our sea ports, 0 ,0,0, all the 3 branches of government where hypnotised, yes hypnotised, no feeling, no action, i dont have another word than a government under hypnotis.

Hassan and his leutenants have done enormous damage to Somalia anz it is prestige, now to de – scale these damages we need to go thru every deal made with Ethiopia, i mean it every deal big or small, 6 MOU signed from september 2023 to november 2023.
The visit of the NISA chief on May 2023 he stayed there for 4 days what was signed what was agreed, i repeat these last deal on NISA it dont need to be public but national security comission of the parliament should get access to it anz an interview with the NUSA chief.
Everything that has been agreed with the seccesionist Mssr Biixi including hassan Sheikhs envoy Andikariim Guuleed, he has to detail all the meetings he made on behalf of  Somalia, EVERYTHING?
hassan Sheikh has to recognise Awdal state and boost up SSC like Puntland construct their security znd secure their borders, reverse everything with the seccesionists, send home the Ethiopian ambassador, call imediate meeting to EGAD,AU,AL, call for the defence of Somali territory, minimise the Ethiopian peacekeepers to cutting them off totally within 6 months, substitute them with Eritrean forces.

My fellow Somalis if we want to reverse these awful bits and cuts of wounding Somalia or leasing it we need to understand the couse that created it, how it came to this point?
If we cant see the hole then we cannot avoid not to fall too.


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