Egyptian Military Arrives in Somalia as Tensions Rise with Ethiopia

MOGADISHU (Nomadicvoice) — Two Egyptian C-130 military aircraft landed in Mogadishu on Tuesday,   marking a significant…

Editorial: The Hidden Cost of Somalia’s Arms Proliferation

Nomadicvoice, (Editorial) — The recent ambush of two trucks laden with weapons in Galgaduud, Somalia, underscores…

Somalia’s Unyielding Struggle with Illicit Arms and the Mirage of Change

By Abdalle Ahmed Mumin, Senior Journalist and Secretary General of the Somali Journalist Syndicate (SJS) In…

From Arm Dealer to Power Player in Somalia: The Rise of Liban Shuluq

Profile:Who is Liban Shuluq

Beesha Mareexaan oo Xoog Kula Wareegtay Gaadiid uu Ka Buuxo Hub wayn oo Lagasoo Iibiyay Itoobiya

Caabudwaaq — (Nomadicvoice) Sida ay xaqiijinayaan wararka laga helayo deegaanka Shilamadow oo kudhaw magaalada Caabudwaaq ee…

Al-Shabaab launched a violent four-directional attack on El-Dher Town

Mogadishu, Somalia — El-Dher, a strategically vital town in Eastern Galmudug, has fallen to Al-Shabaab militants…