Maxay isku hayaan Federaalka iyo Puntland? Ma arrimo shaqsiyadeed-baa, ma dastuur baa mise danno shaqsi ah..??

Madaxda federaalka u metesha Puntland ayaa ku dooda in Puntland hoggaanka qofka markaa haya, in danno…

Bakaaro Market Closed for Second Day as Mogadishu’s 5% VAT Takes Effect Amid Heated Parliamentary Debate

For the second consecutive day, a businesses in Mogadishu’s main market Bakaaro remained closed on Monday…

Mogadishu:Al-Shabaab IED Attack Kills 20, Injures 10 Café in Dayniile

Mogadishu, [17 August 2024] —  In  a devastating attack today, at least 20 people were killed…

Puntland Executes 10 Al-Shabaab Militants in Galkayo Following Court Verdict

Galkayo, Puntland — The Puntland government has executed 10 members of Al-Shabaab who were found guilty…

Protests Erupt in Mogadishu as Bajaj Drivers Condemn Extortion and Rising Insecurity

On Tuesday,  Bajaj (rickshaw)    drivers in Mogadishu staged a significant protest to express    their    dismay    over    the…

Former Al Shabab Members in the Somali Government under Hassan Sheikh Mohamud Administration

In a stunning decision, barely one week after the Al Shabaab attack on Liido Beach, Hassan…

Xasan Shiikh: Kaligii Taliye Soo Koraya oo Xamar Kaliya ka Taliya

Muqdisho — Dowladda Federaalka ayaa xabsiga dhigtay Oday Cabdiraxmaan Macow Maxamed oo maanta Baraha Bulshada ka…

Risks of Implementing a One-Person, One-Vote System in Somalia

Security Concerns Al-Shabaab’s control over large parts of Somalia presents a significant threat to the election…

HSM: A Shift Toward Centralized Dictatorship in the Style of Guelleh and Museveni

The Cabinet of Ministers of the Federal Government of Somalia based in Mogadishu has passed two…

Hassan Sheikh Mohamud: The Leader of Mogadishu’s Factions

Hassan Sheikh Mohamud the factional leader of Mogadishu is embarrassed by notable contradictions in his policies…