Hassan sheikh and his 100 day cabinet have gained the honour name of dis- functional government, a government know to send envoys all over the world without any tangable result.

Disfunction of Somalia’s 3 branches of power. The PM is just making his CV better, but contrary he will be remembered for the unsuficient PM, the most clueless of all Somali PM, he is been chosen to fill this position and sit in the office, the cabinet of the ministers are chosen by Hassan Sheikh, he cant delegate them anything and they dont answer to the PM, so loyalty rules over governance and  patriotism.


The parliament represents the people [ SOMALIA], this time we have a parliament bought with foreign channelled money to do one thing serve their owner Hassan Sheikh.  The parliament is not receiving anything what so ever, every law starts with Hassan and becomes law automatically, the Khat law between Kenya & Somalia , deals signed with UAE ( NO CLUE) EGYPT ( NO CLUE)  UGANDA (NO CLUE)
he flew over 9 times without sharing any sort of gain or loss, the parliament did not function because they are compromised and corrupt, most ox them including the speaker are illeterate and dont even have 10 grade diploma, it is in consistent with the laws awaiting to be aproved in parliament.
The members job was👇


Embezzlement, theft and fraud.

Extortion and blackmail.

Influence peddling.

Abuse of discretion.

Favoritism, nepotism and clientelism.

These is a failed government from Hassan Sheikh, PM, PARLIAMENT, they should be desolved, a lot has been lost, Somalis have been killed in mass, dignity of Somalia has been trashed, tribalism has been elevated to the peak, foreign intervention is absurd, the national security is weak,the federal states are strugling among themselves in their own ring they are in the brink of colliding among themselves, special tribes have been armed and some have waged war among them.


We shall prove ourselves once more able to defend our  Home, to ride out the storm of war, and to outlive the menace of tyranny, if necessary for years . At any rate, that is what we are — are going to try to do. That is the resolve of SOMALI nation.
Democracy is beautiful in theory; in practice it is a fallacy. …this is not the democracy breached in western countries, the Halane group is part of this mafia corrupt government.

[ Our lives begin to end the day we begin to be silent about things that matter ]
Rise up, wake up defend  your dignity, you are a Somali first  and Somalia is you no matter where you are your dignity is not glorified if you turn a deaf ear to your country Somalia, may allah protect it.


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