The Downfall of a Nation: A Critical Examination of President HSM’s Second Term

The Downfall of a Nation: A Critical Examination of President HSM’s Second Term

When President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud (HSM) took office for the second time, he inherited a country on the rise. The previous administration had successfully implemented sweeping policy changes, propelling Somalia to new heights. From military-industrial reform to the establishment of transparent autonomous institutions staffed with qualified personnel, the government regained control of vital infrastructure, including air and sea control. Most importantly, it reignited a dying patriotism, securing mass approval from citizens, especially the youth.

Under President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo, Somalia’s foreign policy stood out among neighboring nations, marked by competence and a solid assertion of sovereignty that commanded respect from allies and adversaries alike. The Farmajo administration’s legacy was one of strength and national pride.

However, the return of President HSM has seen the rapid dismantling of these achievements. The military, once a symbol of national pride and security, has been destroyed. Neighboring governments have begun to encroach on Somali territory with impunity, and regional governments are signing Memoranda of Agreement with foreign powers, threatening the very fabric of the nation and its sovereignty.

Internally, tribal wars are rampant, exacerbated by a federal government that seemingly endorses this violence by distributing arms to various groups. The failed war with Al-Shabaab looms large, casting a shadow over this administration. With no effective army and citizens turning on each other, neighboring enemies eyeing Somali land, and enemy troops penetrating deep within Somali territory, the hallmark of President HSM’s second term is one of chaos and destruction.

Why are you watching the systematic dismantling of your nation for the enrichment and benefit of a few politicians? Look to the youth of Kenya, the Gen Z securing their future with activism and unity. Reflect on Sri Lanka, where citizens took to the streets, demanding change and accountability. Consider El Salvador, once the murder capital of the world, now one of the safest countries in the hemisphere due to decisive, collective action. Somalia’s future lies in your hands. Channel your anger and frustration into a force for change. Rise, demand accountability, and protect your nation’s integrity and future. The time for complacency is over; the time for action is now. Your children’s future, your sovereignty, and your national pride depend on it.

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