Said Abdulahi Deni born in 1967 in Mogadiscio Somalia studied in the Somali university of Mogadiscio, He previously  served as the minister of planning of Somalia, after having been appointed to the position on 17 January 2014 to 2017 in Hassan Sheikh’s government.

Said is a man that has huge ambition in becoming Somalia’s president, he was one of the presidential candidates in 2017 first round, and in 2022 where he came to the 2nd round, i could profile him as a politician that stickz to achieve his goals.

On January 8, 2024, Said  Deni was re-elected as President of Puntland. He was voted in by 45 out of the 66 members of Parliament. Said A. Deni becomes the first president  to be re-elected in Puntland after 25 years of self ruling state.

Deni is a politician that defines
“where there is a will there is a way ” he reminds me of a  poet and orator, named ( George Herbert )
He is a politician that wants to do something, he will find a way to do it, even if there are things that make it hard to do so.

Said Deni played a pivotal role in Hassan Sheikh’s  resounding win in an election that pitted him against his predecessor, president  Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo.
His support turned the tide in favor of the new President in the vote that ended Farmajo’s government, Deni was quotted saying ” He wiil ally with anyone to bring down Farmajo “.

After summing the votes to cone up with a winner, Deni  was expecting  to be named as the Prime Minister of the Federal Government but Hassan Sheikh rebuffed his bid, Deni’s speech was exceptionally important not only in its contents, but also in who delivered it. Especially within the same clan, Somali culture is circumspect and politicians often allow their opponents to save face. Both Deni and Farmaajo are from the Darood clan, so Somalis would ordinarily expect Deni to protect his fellow clansman and the Darood presidency.

Formed in 1998 during the civil war in Somalia, Puntland stands as a resilient entity amid political complexities and external pressures to the the federal government led by Hassan Sheikh who has embarged a tribal and inconsistent way of ruling the nation, Hassan Sheikh has gone to allienate the Darood tribe by not consulting their representation of the 4.5 agreement of gentelmans agreement to rule the country by balancing the tribes to the seats of government. Deni was not consulted through the procedure of choosing the PM, he was basically stabbed at the back by Hassan Sheikh.

Now Deni turns against his own choise of Hassan Sheikh directly, Said Deni is quotted , “If you think you can proceed without Puntland, then you must know that we cannot be stopped, ” We don’t give out our fate for a few coins,” a powerful speech which prombted Hassan to depart to Puntland for 4 days and achieve only the resilience of Puntlanders.

Deni has only one thing left, secure Puntlands survival and carry the torch for the Darood comunity in which he represents in the power struggle of Somalia’s politics, he embargrs opposing Hassan Sheikh and introduces 1 man 1 vote for Puntlant, Deni had rejected this model from president Farmajo and kept a stallmate until almost the expiration of Farmajo’s term.

Deni, who  spoke about the National Consultative Council, he said it is not a constitutional council, and does not have the power to make decisions up to a level of changing the constituition to a Republic government without the public consultation and it requires full representation of the Federal states.

He said it is a danger that cannot be ignored in relation to the continuous decisions coming from the National Consultative Council, which is a threat to the unity of the country and the fragile government of Somalia.

On the other side Hassan Sheik  agreement is to establish only two parties in the country, and change the parliamentary system that currently works in Somalia.
Hassan says that Puntland,  has strongly opposed the agreement, it will remain outside the electoral system adopted by Federal government, we will move forward without Puntlan.

Said Abdulahi Deni has won the election in very high score, i congratulate him for this victorious win and wish him a smooth fresh 5 years of carrying the torch for Puntland and restraining the federal government from the dirty deals of splitting Somalia and offering it to our rival neighbours. We expect Deni to carry the pardon of Somalia, we need Deny to equilabrate his 5 years term in a skillful manner.👇

Re uniting all Puntland politicians
using skilfull politicians, creating
right man at the right place.
Reforming Pubtland society giving
the public the best state from their
fellow son / president, return what
they gave you dont use it against
them, Puntland relies on you.

Building a coalition with Khatumo
state and making strong reforms for both states as equal partners.Help should be extended to Awdal region and other members of Northern Somalia that want to be part of the Somali Union.

To empower or but a grip into the
Juballand issue of the dictator
Ahmed Madoobe by inviting
politicians, tribal elders, youth and introduce an inclusive Jubaland.

Invest your political capital of 5
years presidency to the other states Southwest (Laftagareen) Galmudug (Qoor Qoor) introduce new alliance of saving Somalia prestige and from it’s enemies both domestic and foreign.

Last but not least watch the
foreign countries that are involved
in Somalia direcly and indirectly
Ethiopia, Kenya, Djibouti, UAE,
England, USA, EU, Saudi Arabia,
Norway and others. I know we are asking you a lot but you are the only one who can put back Somalia 🇸🇴 in a forward bath and give the prestige it deserves, if some of these goals are met you will be in the history books of Somalia.


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