Hassan Sheikh is a traitor and the biggest liar ever in Somali history, the worst president ever seen or heard, his actions , speeches and deeds are frictions of Pinochio lies.

He has hidden every contract of Somalia towards foreign countries, nothing has been seen in all the deals or the unnecesary flights being the 1st president to win the championship of over 83 flights using $14. nilkion dollars for his luxurious hotels and other needs, while others are fighting with the daily bread & water, on top of that climate destructions to infrastructure of old bridges and the separation of families due to these bridges.

Freedom of speech is the beacon  of democracy. If the truth is hidden or distorted or suppressed, it is impossible to get a fact finding  of what is being negotiated, he is turning Somalia to North Korea regime.

The degree to which freedom of speech is being undermined in Somalia is extremely alarming.
No one can say the truth as soon as you say something you will be called an aider to the enemy Al Shabaab, on the other hand Al Shabaab is part of his regime and openly says they are ministers, security officer and other government positions.

Turkey is fulfilling what Hassan had agreed with Ethiopia by signing 6 MOU, 1 of them is Ethiopia 🇪🇹  to take the role of safeguarding the Somali coast from pirates and arms trafficking to Somalia. Hassan went to Turkey to get the blessing from them instead of directly negotiating with Ethiopia. The arms trafficking he broke it himself while using the same Ethiopians to deal with arms trafficking allowing Hassan and associates to pass through their territory by Ethiopian forces escorting to Somalia until cought near the border for 20 km range from Ethiopia 🇪🇹.

Somalia has no obligation to give sea access to Ethiopia, period.
Austria: Shares borders with eight other countries: Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Liechtenstein, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Switzerland (five of these bordering countries are also landlocked) Belarus: Largest landlocked country in Europe (207,600 square kilometers yet there is no such thing as ” right to access to the sea ” they have civilized laws of trading together.

International law ratified in UN in 1965 about coastal countries and landlocked countries is :
Coastal states that ratify the convention (known as “transit states agree to make arrangements with land-locked states” that are party to the treaty that wish to transit goods across the territory of the transit state) to or from a coastal port in the transit state.
The transit states agree that they will not discriminate based on place of origin or destination of the goods being transported.
The land-locked states agree to be responsible for any expenses that the transit states incur in supervising or protecting the transit of the land-locked state’s goods.

The convention has been noted as the first international agreement to recognise and honour the bilateral agreement between coastal and landlocked countries.

Anything beyond the UN convention for transit trade rules and lawa between landlocked and coastal countries is void and is not legitimate and can inflict the start of a war that can spread to the whole region, Somalia’s resilience should not be put to a test, we have hot wounds still burning from Ethiopias willingness to always destroy and undermine our integrity and Sovranity, whoever aids Ethiopia is considered enemy of the Somali state, we will fight severely even aligning with the devil if needed.


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